12/23/2024 02:00:00 pm
PRMU Scientific Library
Digital resources for educational and scientific work
PRMU Online Library
The PRMU Online Library is a centralized repository of full-text documents: educational documents (textbooks, study guides, collections of tasks, training courses, lecture texts, teaching aids, laboratory works, practical tasks); scientific documents (monographs, collections of scientific papers, conference collections, abstracts of theses, theses); periodical and ongoing publications; reference publications. The main content includes the works of PRMU employees. There is an English interface.
Attention! Publications from the digital libraries "Student's Consultant", "Doctor's Consultant", "BookUp", "Urait", "Lan", "Znanium" are also available on the platform of the PRMU Digital Library. Access is carried out through the banner of the corresponding digital library or directly through the e-book found in the catalog. No additional registration is required.
To enter the digital library, you need to type:
· in the "Login" field - the number of the campus card (eleven numerals);
· in the "Password" field - date of birth (for example - 05022002);
· click the "Login" button.
Access to the resources on the PRMU Digital Library platform is provided only to authorized library users. To get a login and password, you need to contact the library or fill in an online registration form.
For all questions, please contact: e-mail: lib@pimunn.net, ngma_lib@mail.ru; phone: 422-13-33 ext.3803). -
ИБС Средневолжского медицинского кластера
В рамках проекта «Интегрированная информационно-библиотечная система (ИБС)» сотрудникам и обучающимся ПИМУ доступны электронные копии научных и учебных изданий из фондов библиотек-участников научно-образовательного медицинского кластера ПФО «Средневолжский»: Ижевской ГМА, Казанского ГМУ, Кировского ГМУ, Пермского ГМУ, Ульяновского ГУ.
По вопросам доступа к ресурсам ИБС обращаться в отдел электронных ресурсов (Медицинская 3а, кабинет №5; т. 422-13-33 доб.3803); через e-mail: lib@pimunn.net, ngma_lib@mail.ru или страницу библиотеки ВКонтакте.
- Приволжский исследовательский медицинский университет (список литературы)
- Казанский государственный медицинский университет (электронный каталог)
- Кировский государственный медицинский университет (электронный каталог)
- Ижевская государственная медицинская академия (список литературы)
- Пермский государственный медицинский университет (список литературы)
- Ульяновский государственный университет (электронный каталог)
ЭБС «Университетская библиотека онлайн»
До 2 февраля 2025 года для сотрудников и обучающихся университета открыт тестовый доступ к Электронно-библиотечной системе «Университетская библиотека онлайн».
Ресурс содержит учебники, учебные пособия, монографии, периодические издания, справочники, словари, энциклопедии, видео- и аудиоматериалы. Доступны коллекции по медицине, психологии, истории, философии и д.р.
Для получения удаленного доступа обращаться на почту lib@pimunn.net.
Адрес ресурса: https://biblioclub.ru
Условия доступа: с компьютеров, находящихся в сети университета. -
ЭБС «Библиороссика»
До 31 января 2025 года для сотрудников и обучающихся университета открыт тестовый доступ к англоязычной медицинской литературе в Электронно-библиотечной системе «Библиороссика».
Данная коллекция включает в себя 366 уникальных изданий, охватывающих такие области медицины, как аллергология и иммунология, клиническая эндокринология, общая медицина, медицинская этика, онкология, педиатрия, хирургия, терапия, фармакология и др.
Отдельно представлены новинки известного академического издательства Cambridge University Press, среди которых:
Animals and Medicine: The Contribution of Animal Experiments to the Control of Disease
Casebook of Dementia: A Reference Guide for Primary Care
Challenges to Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance: Economic and Policy Responses
Evolutionary Perspectives on Enhancing Quality of Life
Health for All Policies
Адрес ресурса: https://www.bibliorossica.com
- с компьютеров, находящихся в сети университета;
- для получения удаленного доступа обращаться на почту lib@pimunn.net.
ЭБС «Айбукс»
До 31 января 2025 года для сотрудников и обучающихся университета открыт тестовый доступ к 48 тысячам изданий Электронно-библиотечной системе «Айбукс».
Доступны коллекции по медицине, психологии, информатике и компьютерным технологиям, а также коллекция переводных изданий для IT-специалистов.
Адрес ресурса: ibooks.ru/bookshelf
Условия доступа:- с компьютеров, находящихся в сети университета
- для работы из дома необходима предварительная регистрация в сети университета
Периодические издания, выписанные в 2024 году
Полный перечень печатных и электронных периодических изданий, выписываемые научной библиотекой ПИМУ в 2024 году.
Печатные периодические издания находятся в фонде читального зала научной библиотеки (Медицинская 3а, каб. 2).
Полные версии статей можно заказать через сервис «Электронная доставка документов (ЭДД)». -
Коллекция журналов на платформе «eLIBRARY»
Адрес доступа: elibrary.ru
Доступ предоставлен: 31.12.2024
Условия доступа:
- из сети университета – автоматический;
- вне сети университета (с любого компьютера или мобильного устройства) необходимы заход/регистрация с компьютеров ПИМУ;
- полные версии статей предоставляются через сервис «Электронная доставка документов (ЭДД)».
Коллекция журналов на платформе «ИВИС»
Адрес доступа: eivis.ru/basic/details
Доступ предоставлен: до 31.12.2024
Условия доступа:
- с компьютеров ПИМУ - доступ свободный;
- для получения удаленного доступа к ресурсу писать на эл. почту: lib@pimunn.ru
- полные версии статей предоставляются через сервис «Электронная доставка документов (ЭДД)».
Коллекция математических журналов (МИАН)
Адрес доступа: www.mathnet.ru
Доступ предоставлен: бессрочно
Условия доступа: с компьютеров, находящихся в сети университета
Для сотрудников и обучающихся ПИМУ открыт постоянный доступ к электронным журналам «Математический сборник», «Успехи математических наук» и «Известия Российской академии наук. Серия математическая» Математического института им. В.А. Стеклова РАН на платформе Общероссийского портала Math-Net.Ru.
Коллекция журналов от «Актион Медицина»
Доступ предоставлен: до 31.12.2024
Условия доступа:
- полные версии статей предоставляются через сервис «Электронная доставка документов (ЭДД)».
- Заместитель главного врача - статьи экспертов по организации лечебно-диагностической работы, управлению качеством медицинской помощи и мотивации сотрудников. Авторы - эксперты, чиновники и контролеры. Для начмеда медорганизации.
- Здравоохранение - практические статьи о новых требованиях, которые нужно неотложно внедрить в работу. Советы от экспертов, чтобы избежать санкций при проверках. Для руководителя медорганизации.
- Справочник заведующего КДЛ - об инновационных методиках исследований, опробованных в передовых клинико-диагностических лабораториях. В каждом номере готовые алгоритмы, как организовать контроль качества исследований, и обзоры ошибок. Для руководителей клинико-диагностических лабораторий.
- Управление качеством в здравоохранении - экспертные практические статьи о новых требованиях к качеству и безопасности медицинской деятельности. Выпускается совместно с Росздравнадзором.
- Главная медицинская сестра - интерактивный журнал для руководителя сестринской службы с аккредитованными ИОМами.
Журналы Российской академии наук
Открыт доступ к электронным версиям журналов Российской академии наук за 2024 год.
Полнотекстовая коллекция журналов включает 141 наименование журналов, охватывающих различные научные специальности.
Доступ к полнотекстовым выпускам коллекции осуществляется на Национальной платформе периодических научных изданий РЦНИ в сети университета: https://journals.rcsi.science/.
Список доступных журналов. -
Журнал «Успехи химии»
Адрес доступа: uspkhim.ru
Доступ предоставлен: бессрочно
Условия доступа: с компьютеров, находящихся в сети университета
Журнал "Успехи химии" основан в 1932 году и является ежемесячным изданием Российской академии наук, Института органической химии им. Н.Д.Зелинского РАН и АНО Редакции журнала Успехи химии. Журнал публикует обзоры по актуальным проблемам химии и смежных с нею наук и имеет наивысший импакт-фактор среди российских научных журналов и самую многочисленную читательскую аудиторию. Перевод и издание журнала на английском языке под названием Russian Chemical Reviews осуществляется Институтом органической химии им. Н. Д. Зелинского РАН.
Журнал «Успехи физических наук»
Адрес доступа: ufn.ru
Доступ предоставлен: бессрочно
Условия доступа: с компьютеров, находящихся в сети университета
Успехи физических наук — это журнал, публикующий обзоры современного состояния наиболее актуальных проблем физики и смежных с нею наук. Предназначается для научных работников, аспирантов, студентов-физиков старших курсов, преподавателей.
Журнал «Квантовая электроника»
Адрес доступа: www.quantum-electron.ru
Доступ предоставлен: бессрочно
Условия доступа: с компьютеров, находящихся в сети университета
Квантовая электроника — ведущий российский научный ежемесячный журнал в области лазеров и их применений, а также по связанным с ними тематикам: лазерная физика и техника, нелинейная оптика, лазерные технологии, нанотехнологии, фотоника в диагностике и управлении процессами, лазерная биофотоника, волоконная и интегральная оптика, воздействие лазерного излучения на вещество, лазерная плазма, лазерный термоядерный синтез, оптическая обработка и передача информации, когерентность и хаос.
Student's Consultant
The digital library system "Student's Consultant" contains full-text versions of digital textbooks and study guides in all areas and disciplines of medical education in accordance with the curricula and requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. There is an English interface.
Access until 31.12.2023
Access conditions:
- on the platform of the PRMU Digital Library through the appropriate banner or directly through the e-book found in the catalog. To access the full text, you need to log in to the reader's Personal Account (login – the number of the campus card (eleven numerals), password – date of birth without spaces (for example – 05022002)
- directly on the platform of DLS "Student's Consultant" . To access the resource, it is necessary to pass a personal registration from the computers of the Scientific Library or University.
Users who have not worked with the database for more than a year need to confirm their registration: log in to the database with their user name and password from the computers of the Scientific Library or University or through the Personal Account of the user of the PRMU Digital Library.
For all questions, please contact: e-mail: ngma_lib@mail.ru , lib@pimunn.net; phone: 422-13-33 ext.3803). -
Doctor's Consultant
The digital library "Doctor's Consultant" includes:
- national guidelines for all areas of medicine
- clinical recommendations
- training manuals
- monographs
- atlases
- pharmaceutical reference books
Access conditions:
- on the platform of the PRMU Digital Library using the appropriate banner or directly through the e-book found in the catalog. To access the full text, you need to log into the Reader's Personal Account (login – the number of the campus card (eleven numerals), password – date of birth without spaces (for example – 05022002)
- directly on the DLS "Doctor's Consultant" platform or on the DLS "Student's Consultant" platform. To access the resource, it is necessary to pass a personal registration from the computers of the Scientific Library or University. Please note: for users already registered in the Student's Consultant DLS, the re-registration is not required.
Users who have not worked with the database for more than a year need to confirm their registration: to log in to the database with their username and password from the computers of the Scientific Library or University or use the Personal Account of the PRMU Digital Library.
Video instruction on working with DLS Doctor's Consultant -
The digital library BookUp contains educational and scientific medical literature of Russian publishers. The list of publications available for reading can be found in the section "My Books".
Access until 31.07.2023
Access conditions:
- on the platform of the PRMU Digital Library through the appropriate banner or directly through the e-book found in the catalog. To access the full text, you need to log in to the reader's Personal Account (login – the number of the campus card (eleven numerals), password – date of birth without spaces (for example – 05022002)
- directly on the platform DLS "BookUp" :
- to access from external IP addresses, it is necessary to pass a personal registration from the computers of the Scientific Library or University.
In the future, you can work from any computer or mobile device. -
Permanent access to the collection Open Access as a part of the Digital Library System is open for University employees and students ZNANIUM.COM .
The collection includes more than 7000 documents (textbooks, manuals, scientific literature, periodicals, articles), including exclusive monographs from the Publishing House Infra-M.
Video instructions on YouTube
Reader's Guides
Access conditions: access until 31.12.2023 on the platform of the PRMU Digital Library
Attention! To access the full text, you need to log into the Reader's Personal Account (login – the number of the campus card (eleven numerals), password – date of birth without spaces (for example – 05022002).
1. Select the appropriate banner on the Digital Library page. At the initial request, additional registration is required: select "Sign up", fill in the necessary fields.
2. Next, select the section "Collections", "Open Access Collection". -
Med.polpred.com Medicine in Russia and abroad is the largest news and media analytics site on this topic in Runet. Search with settings. Export of hundreds of articles to Word with a single click. Internet services industry-wise and country-wise.
The archive of important publications is collected manually. Database with a list of headings: 26 industries / 600 sources / 8 federal districts of the Russian Federation / 235 countries and territories / main materials / articles and interviews of 3000 top officials.
Every day there are a lot of news, full text in Russian, a million of the best stories of news agencies and business press for 15 years.
Access from the University computers.
User's Guide
URL: Med.polpred.com
Access conditions: from computers of the University network.
There is a possibility of self-registration of users for the access from home or from any device. The link "Access from home" in the upper right corner on polpred.com is accessible from the IP addresses of the University. -
The digital library "Urait" has a collection of publications on psychology, ethics, conflictology.
Video instructions on YouTube
Access until 31.05.2024
Access conditions:
1. By means of the corresponding banner on the home page
of the PRMU Digital Library or directly through an e-book found in the catalog. To access the full text, you need to log in (login – the number of the campus card, password – date of birth without spaces (for example – 05022002);
2. Next, select the section "Catalog", "Subscriptions of educational institutions" (Privolzhsky Research Medical University). To work with a specific digital publication, you need to go to the section you are interested in, select the desired book and click the "Study" button. -
Consortium of Network Digital Libraries (NDL)
For employees and students of the University, permanent access to the publications of the Consortium of Network Digital Libraries (NDL) is open (on the platform Digital Library System "Lan"). The collection includes educational and scientific publications of various thematic subject areas (including medicine and biology) from the collections of participating libraries.
Access conditions: access until 02.11.2023 on the platform of the PRMU Digital Library using the appropriate banner (then select the section "Books" ) or directly through the e-book found in the catalog.
To access the full text, you need to log into the Reader's Personal Account (login – the number of the campus card (eleven numerals), password – date of birth without spaces (for example – 05022002). -
Central Scientific Medical Library (SCML)
The digital library subscription of the Central Scientific Medical Library of the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University provides an opportunity to search, order and view via the Internet full texts of documents reflected in the digital catalog "Russian Medicine" on the website of the Central Medical Library. Access to reading a digital document is provided for a certain period.
Please send an application for a specific publication to the library e-mail: lib@pimunn.net, ngma_lib@mail.ru or by phone. 465-47-02 (scientific and bibliographic department)" or via the service "Digital Document Delivery".
Access to the resource until 19.01.2024 -
National Digital Library (NDL)
The Virtual Reading Room of the National Digital Library (NDL) contains a combined digital catalog of the collections of major Russian libraries, archives, museums and digital copies of works on a wide range of subject areas. Some publications (works that have passed into the public domain; works of educational and scientific significance that have not been reprinted in the last 10 years) are on open access.
Works restricted by copyright are accessible only from the Library computers ( Medizinskaya Str.3a, Hall of Catalogues and Electronic Information Resources ).
You can get acquainted with the content of the NDL at: rusneb.ru
Access to the resource until 13.11.2023
Orbit Intelligence
Questel Orbit unites about 100 databases containing information about intellectual property. The resource is intended for specialists in the field of patenting and for a wide range of researchers (the total number of documents exceeds 55 million). The main patent database FamPat contains data from 95 patent offices of all regions of the world; patents are grouped into families on a thematic basis. Abstracts are presented in English; the full texts of the documents are given in the original language.
Fundamentals of the Questel-Orbit search engine for patent research:
- Keyword search.
- Search by IPC and/or EC classification.
- Search by patent number, applicant, date, etc.
- Search by applicant's country.
- Search for patent documents that have a certain legal status (published applications, granted patents, etc.).
Access to the resource from university computers at: https://www.orbit.com/
To work with the resource, click on the Login icon without entering any characters. End the session with the LOGOFF link in the upper right corner of the window.
Access to digital scientific resources of Springer publishing house is open for students and employees of PRMU.
Materials from the following digital collections are available:
- Full-text collection of digital journals (1997-2023) and Springer e-books (2005-2023): https://rd.springer.com /
- Full-text collection of digital journals Springer Nature : http://www.nature.com/siteindex/index.html
- Collection of scientific protocols on various branches of knowledge Springer Protocols: www.springerprotocols.com
- Abstract database on pure and applied mathematics Zentralblatt MATH: https://zbmath.org /
- Collection of scientific materials in the field of physical sciences and engineering Springer Materials: http://materials.springer.com/
- Nano database (information about nanomaterials and nanodevices): http://nano.nature.com/
from PRMU computers: free access;
from external IP addresses: with individual login / password (personal registration from the university network using corporate mail is required -pimunn.net ); send an email to lib@pimunn.ru with indication of full name, personal corporate mail).
Wiley Online Library
For students and employees of PRMU, access to the full-text database of periodicals of the American publishing house "Wiley" is open. Journals annually occupy leading positions in the Journal Citation Report and have high impact factors.
The content is represented by more than 1,600 scientific journals in various disciplines, including medicine and natural sciences.
Chronological coverage: 2019-2023
Access until 30.06.2023
Access conditions:
- from PRMU computers- free access;
- from external IP addresses - with individual login / password (personal registration from the university network is required).
Attention! Remote access is valid for 60 days. To renew, you need to log in to your account from the university network.
Access to the collection at: www.onlinelibrary.wiley.com
The Cochrane Library
Access to databases The Cochrane Library is open for PRMU employees and
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews contains systematic reviews to answer a specific research question.
Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) is a bibliographic source of randomized and quasi–randomized controlled trials. In addition to bibliographic information (author, source, year, etc.), CENTRAL records often include an abstract of the article.
Cochrane Clinical Answers contains clinical questions, short answers and data on the results of the Cochrane Review, which are considered the most relevant for practicing medical professionals. The proofs are displayed in a user-friendly tabular format that includes descriptions, data, and links to graphs.
User's Guide
Presentation about Cochrane Library
YouTube Channel
URL: www.cochranelibrary.com
Access until 31.07.2023
Access conditions: from computers of the University network
To get remote access personal registration from the University network is required. Video instructions for connecting.
Attention! Remote access is valid for 60 days. To renew, you need to log in to your account from the University network.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
URL: ovidsp.ovid.com/autologin.cgi
Access until 31.07.2023
Access conditions: from computers of the University network
Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins (LWW) – Access to the digital collection "Premier journal collection" is open for employees and students of PRMU on the platform Ovid.
Chronological coverage: 2015-2022 гг.
List of available publications
BMJ Knowledge Resources
Доступ предоставлен в рамках национальной подписки (РЦНИ)
Условия доступа:
- с компьютеров ПИМУ - доступ свободный;
- для получения удаленного доступа к ресурсу писать на эл. почту: lib@pimunn.net
BMJ Knowledge Resources – полнотекстовая коллекция по медицине компании BMJ Publishing, которая включает:
- The BMJ – еженедельный рецензируемый научный журнал по медицине, издающийся с 1840 года. The BMJ является одним из пяти наиболее цитируемых медицинских журналов в мире: www.bmj.com
- BMJ Premier Journals Collection – коллекция, насчитывающая 37 журналов, издаваемых от имени ведущих медицинских организаций и обществ. Журналы охватывают все направления медицины от офтальмологии до спортивной медицины: journals.bmj.com
- BMJ Case Reports – база данных, содержащая отчеты о клинических случаях, истории болезней и информацию о распространенных и редких заболеваниях. База данных содержит более 20 000 материалов о заболеваниях из 70 стран: casereports.bmj.com
Руководство пользователя
Канал на YouTube -
eBook Collections (SAGE Publications)
URL: sk.sagepub.com/books/discipline
Access until indefinitely
Access conditions: from computers of the University network
Permanent access to the full-text collection of e-books published by SAGE Publications has been opened for employees and students of PRMU.
eBook Collections consists of more than 4,700 monographs and reference books on various fields of knowledge: business, psychology, criminology and criminal law, education, Earth and environmental sciences, healthcare and social assistance, media and communication, cultural studies, politics and international relations, sociology, etc.
List of available publications
COVID-19 resources
The List was updated 14.02.2022.
covid19.neicon.ru - an open access collection of scientific publications by Russian scientists within the framework of the project “COVID-19.rf: information against the pandemic” on the platform of the National Electronic Information Consortium (NEICON).
Oxford University Press - a specialized portal of open access medical information on topics related to coronavirus, published by Oxford University Press. Contains a selection of journal articles and online chapters on relevant resources. Constantly updated.
Wiley Online Library - a collection of articles from scientific journals to help diagnose, treat and prevent COVID-19.
JoVE - coronavirus research videos.
About The Novel 2019 Coronavirus COVID-19 - JAMA Network COVID-19 Collection.
Includes comments from renowned American immunologist and infectious disease specialist Anthony Fauci of the NIAID; an interactive map of the outbreak provided by the Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering; and past publications on vaccine development, infection control, and public health preparedness.
Peer-Reviewed Research to Inform the Coronavirus Crisis - a selection of articles from BioOne magazines related to coronavirus and pandemics.
Clarivate Analytics (Web of Science, Integrity) - scientific research in this area, vaccines and diagnostics in development, comparison with previous pandemic outbreaks; global regulatory factors driving research, including collaboration and investment trends (registration required).
Специальные коллекции Кокрановской библиотеки - brings together Cochrane reviews on key topics related to the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. Collections are updated in response to new information and also contain links to relevant clinically oriented, actionable responses to inform healthcare professionals' local decision-making.
Информационный центр COVID-19 от издательства Elsevier - expert information for the research and medical community about SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19: journal articles, book chapters, preprints and other resources from Elsevier, Lancet and Cell Press, as well as Springer Nature, Wiley, NEJM, BMJ, ASM, etc. .
Коллекция тематических статей по коронавирусу от издательства Karger.
Mary Ann Liebert - COVID-19 research collection from a leading biosciences publisher.
Access Medicine издательства McGraw-Hill Medical - expert materials on COVID-19 from the leading online resource on medical issues.
All COVID-19-related content of the NEJM (The New England Journal of Medicine) journal.
Springer Nature - latest research and news on coronavirus SARS-CoV2 and COVID-19 from Springer Nature (research articles, reviews, commentaries, books).
Taylor & Francis - collection of articles on coronavirus published by Taylor & Francis.
Wolters Kluwer - Wolters Kluwer's COVID19 resources (interactive map, fact sheets, guidance, videos, helpful links), including UptoDate and Ovid resources for clinicians.
ACCUCOMS - a list of freely available foreign publisher resources on COVID-19 from a leading provider of marketing services for academic and professional publishers.
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) offers open access to information on COVID-19: research, commentary and breaking news from leading researchers and health experts.
Global research on coronavirus disease by World Health Organization (WHO).
Coronavirus resource center from the Lancet journal (publications from all Lancet journals in this subject).
COVID-19 resources at the US National Library of Medicine.
World's First International Journal on Coronaviruses (Bentham Science). -
Scopus Preview
URL: www.scopus.com
Scopus is an international scientometric database of abstracts and citations of peer-reviewed scientific literature with built-in tools for monitoring, analysis and visualization of research data, covering more than 24,600 scientific journals and 194 thousand monographs.
Author IDs and journal ratings are available for viewing in Scopus Preview. -
Рубрикатор клинических рекомендаций Минздрава РФ
Адрес ресурса: cr.minzdrav.gov.ru/clin_recomend
Доступ к ресурсу – свободный.
На сайте размещены клинические рекомендации в формате утвержденных Минздравом РФ «Требований к разработке клинических рекомендаций (протоколов лечения) по вопросам оказания медицинской помощи». Кроме этого, представлены алгоритмы действий врача (блок-схемы, пути ведения), методические рекомендации, справочная информация (в т.ч. МКБ-10). -
Консультант Плюс
Интернет-версии справочно-правовой системы «Консультант Плюс» дают возможность работать онлайн с сокращенной версией ресурса. Доступ к документам следующих баз осуществляется только в с компьютеров библиотеки (зал каталогов и информационных ресурсов):
- «Медицина. Фармацевтика» (нормативные документы, регламентирующие деятельность медицинских и фармацевтических учреждений)
- «Версия Проф» (нормативные документы по всем разделам российского законодательства).
- «Эксперт-приложения: Президент. Правительство. Ведомства» (правовые акты разъяснительного и правоприменительного характера, затрагивающие интересы отдельных организаций, а также законопроекты.
- «Нижегородский выпуск » (нормативные документы органов власти и управления Нижнего Новгорода и области).
Russian open access resources
Federal digital Medical Library (CSML)
URL: www.fesmu.ru/elib
Digital catalog of the FESMU library
URL: www.fesmu.ru/elib
Scientific digital library eLIBRARY.RU
URL: elibrary.ru
Digital Library of Dissertations of the RSL
URL: search.rsl.ru/#ef=1&c=disser
Scientific library of open access "CyberLeninka"
URL: cyberleninka.ru
Federal Institute of Industrial Property of Russia
URL: www.fips.ru -
Foreign open access resources
URL: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed
US National Library of Medicine search engine
PubMed (Bookshelf)
URL: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books
Full-text collection of books on medicine and biological sciences of the US National Library of Medicine
Directory of open access books (DOAB)
URL: www.doabooks.org
Directory of open access to the full-text collection of scientific books (over 10 thousand)
Wiley Online Library
URL: olabout.wiley.com
Access to open journals and books of the international scientific publishing house Wiley (including those on biology and medicine)
Science Direct
URL: www.sciencedirect.com
Catalog of magazines and books of the Elsevier publishing house (more than 250 thousand articles in the public domain)
World Health Organization
URL: www.who.int/en/
Reports, reviews, guidelines, recommendations of the World Health Organization
URL: www.base-search.net
The system of the international project ORCID DE provides a search for scientific information among 100 million open access documents of the world's archival collections
URL: www.edp-open.org
Collection of journals, books, materials of scientific conferences on the platform of the publishing house "EDP Science"
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS)
URL: www.pnas.org
Polythematic database of scientific articles of the US National Academy of Sciences
The Online Books Page
URL: onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu
University of Pennsylvania website offering free access to full-text scientific publications -
Foreign dissertations and abstracts of dissertations
Open Access Theses and Dissertations
URL: oatd.org
The international database provides access to 3 million dissertations and theses from graduates of research institutes, universities and colleges.
Digital access to scholarship at Harvard (DASH)
URL: dash.harvard.edu
Open online full-text collection of dissertations, books, articles from Harvard University. Harvard Medical School is represented by scientific articles (over 18 thousand) and dissertations (over 250).
URL: dialnet.unirioja.es
Database of doctoral dissertations and scientific articles from leading universities in Spain in European languages.
URL: www.dissertations.se
Collection of Swedish dissertations in European and Oriental languages.
URL: hal.archives-ouvertes.fr
Electronic archive of full-text dissertations and articles of scientific educational institutions in France in English and French.
Online periodicals
Taylor & Francis
URL: www.tandfonline.com
Publishing collection of scientific articles in open access (over 500 thousand articles from 311 medical journals).
URL: www.springeropen.com
Online journals of the German publishing house “Springer” on various fields of knowledge in open access.
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
URL: www.doaj.org
Directory of open access to a full-text collection of periodicals (over 11 thousand titles).
Karger Open Access
URL: www.karger.com/OpenAccess
Electronic resources on medicine, biochemistry, biophysics published by Karger (20 peer-reviewed journals on medicine are open access).
Free Medical Journals
URL: www.freemedicaljournals.com
Catalog of 1350 hyperlinks to full-text open access medical journals.
Scientific Research Publishing (SCIRP)
URL: www.scirp.org/Index.aspx
The website of the American research publishing house SCIRP provides open access to 200 journals, including those on medical and biological sciences.
COnnecting REpositories (CORE)
URL: core.ac.uk
The UK Electronic Repository contains over 126 million scientific articles from tens of thousands of journals.
Open Gray
URL: www.opengrey.eu
Annotated index of repositories of free access scientific articles.
Public Library of Science (PLoS)
URL: www.hindawi.com/journals
Peer-reviewed open access UK scientific journals (including medicine).
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
URL: www.plos.org
Public scientific library (branches are placed in the USA and Europe), providing free access to full text journals in medicine and biology.
Oxford University Press
URL: academic.oup.com/journals
The database of the UK's largest academic publisher covers various fields of knowledge, including medicine.
Scientific & Academic Publishing (SAP)
URL: www.sapub.org/journal
A publisher that publishes open access journals on a wide range of topics, incl. in medicine and biology.
Pediatric neurology briefs
URL: www.pediatricneurologybriefs.com
Journal of Child Neurology, Medical Psychology, Cognitive Research.
Bioline International
URL: www.bioline.org.br
Scientific journals from Asian and African countries on tropical medicine, infectious diseases, epidemiology, and the environment. -
Аудио- и видеоресурсы по медицине
- МООК (массовые открытые онлайн курсы) – бесплатные университетские курсы по медицине и другим отраслям науки
- Медицинские видеолекции для врачей и студентов медицинских вузов
- Аудиоучебники по медицинским предметам, бесплатное скачивание
- Интернет-Сессии – интерактивные трансляции лекций ведущих отечественных и международных специалистов в области медицины, архив видеолекций
- Обучающие видео на сайте медицинского сообщества Medicine Live
- Видеоуроки по медицине
- Онлайн-лекции образовательного сайта «Врачи вместе» Видеоролики для медиков
- Видеоматериалы для медиков
- Academic Earth: видео лекции по медицине и другим предметам
- The Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE). Видео-журнал, предлагающий биологические, физические, медицинские и химические публикации в формате видео-презентации (на англ.)
- MedCramVideos: лучшие медицинские лекции и видео от инструкторов мирового класса
- Harvard Medical School: видеоресурсы от лучшего медицинского университета мира
- Lecturio Medical Videos: доступные видео от лучших зарубежных преподавателей
- iMedicalSchool: видеоканал, посвященный объяснению сложных медицинских тем –есть дополнительные ссылки на другие ресурсы
- One Minute Medical School: короткие видеообъяснения медицинских тем
- Armando Hasudungan's: видео, нарисованные от руки
- Handwritten Tutorials видео, нарисованные от руки, с комментариями
New editions
Application for the purchase of literature
Бланк заявки на приобретение литературы можно распечатать с сайта библиотеки или получить в отделе комплектования и библиотечной обработки документов научной библиотеки -
Publishing houses
Список издательств литературы, где можно ознакомиться c актуальной информацией об изданиях
About us
How do I enroll in the library?
The registration is carried out in the department of digital library services. You must have a passport and a campus card with you (if available).Additionally:
- when students are reinstated (after academic leave or expel) or transferred from another university – a certificate from the dean's office about admission to classes;
- students of the Faculty of Additional Professional Education (FAPE) – a card for the member of a course.
Address: Meditsinskaya str. 3a, office 5.
Phone: 422-13-33 (ext. 3803, 3807).
E-mail: lib@pimunn.net, ngma_lib@mail.ru.
Delivery desk of scientific literature
Medizinskaya str. 3a, office 28, tel. 465-42-02- servicing students and employees of PRMU (issue and return of literature)
- scientific notification about new arrivals of periodicals in virtual format
- organization of excursions and reviews of the library collections and literature and memorial exhibit "From the personal library of the member of the Academy of Sciences B.A. Korolev"
Delivery desk for educational literature №1
Gagarin Ave.70, office 140, tel. 422-13-33, ext. 3805- servicing students of 1-3 years of General Medicine, Pediatric, Medical and Preventative Care faculties, students of 1-5 years of Dentistry and Pharmacy faculties (issue and return of printed educational literature)
- providing students with electronic educational literature (formation of the virtual shelf for disciplines on the library website and the SDO portal)
Delivery desk for educational literature №2
Gagarin Ave.70 I, tel. 465-06-53- servicing students of 4-6yaers of General Medicine, Pediatric, Medical and Preventative Care faculties (issue and return of printed educational literature)
- servicing FIME students (issue and return of printed educational foreign literature)
Hall of Information Resources
Medizinskaya str.3a, office No. 14, tel. 465-47-02- reference, bibliographic and information services for students and employees of PRMU, as well as external users
- individual consulting on information search in the PRMU Electronic Library, domestic and foreign databases, including online
- thematic archive of documents about the history of the University, outstanding scientists and graduates of PRMU
- possibility to use a personal computer
- scanning and printing services
Acquisition and Cataloging Department
Medizinskaya str.3a, office No. 10, tel. 422-13-33 ext. 3802- acceptance of applications from teachers and employees of PRMU for ordering printed and electronic publications in order to complete the library collection
- editing of work programs of disciplines (section "Lists of basic and additional literature")
- giving classification numbers (UDC and LBC) and copyright marks for the publication of articles, theses, monographs, etc. replacement of lost literature
Department of Scientific Information
Medizinskaya str.3a, office No. 15, tel. 422-13-33 ext. 3804- differentiated service for the heads of PRMU units
- execution of advanced thematic informational memos (information search for documents upon request)
- scientific notification about new arrivals of foreign medical books in virtual format
- presentation of references according to GOST
- acceptance of theses and synopses of theses from applicants for a degree at PRMU holding lectures and practical classes in basics of information culture, bibliography, scientometry for students and employees of PRMU
Department of Electronic Resources
Medizinskaya str.3a, office No. 5, tel. 422-13-33 ext. 3803- registration of users, including online
- digital document delivery
- technical support for users (ensuring the operation of the reader's personal account in the PRMU Digital Library, access to PRMU subscription digital resources)
Reading Room with the delivery desk of fiction
Medizinskaya str.3a, office No. 2, tel. 422-13-33 ext. 3806- servicing students and employees of PRMU, as well as external users (issue of educational and scientific literature, professional journals for temporary use; issue and return of fiction)
- possibility to use a personal computer
- photocopying and printing services
- organization of a coworking area for mass events
About the Scientific Library of PRMU
The Scientific Library was founded on June 14, 1932. The primary collection was formed from publications of departments and books donated by the library of Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky and rich private collections of doctors of the city.The first director was V.A. Druzhkina. A great contribution to the development of the library was made by highly qualified directors E.A. Chugunova, T.F. Kotova, N.G. Krayushkina. Since 2018, the library has been headed by Gayane Yurikovna Semina, who has a great work experience in this particular library: from librarian to director.
The library provides information support for the educational process and research activities of the University. The staff and students can use the Digital Library of PRMU, which includes full-text collections of the medical literature, including the foreign one. Virtual services are being introduced and they allow you to provide the necessary documents remotely and promptly.
Comfortable conditions have been created for servicing, holding mass events, and independent work of users. Unique multimedia presentations and reviews on the history of medicine are being developed, guided tours of the library collections are being conducted. Training sessions help to navigate the flow of professional information, to choose the best ways to work with it. The library is an open platform focused on the future of Russian medical science.
Over its long history, the Library has moved more than once, priorities in maintenance and staffing have changed. Only the employees remained unchanged. Like 90 years ago, these are intelligent and responsive women who are always ready to help their beloved readers!
Rights and obligations
The reader has the right:
to receive printed publications fr om the library collection for temporary use, as well as to have an access to digital publications of the University subscription resources using an individual login and password; to use the personal account of the PRMU digital library to clarify the literature taken and the terms of its return; to extend the period of use of printed documents if necessary and for good reasons; to get an advice in finding the necessary documents, as well as online by means of the virtual help service; to receive copies of documents using the digital document delivery service; to use documents, personal computers and office equipment in the reading room and the information resources hall.The reader is obliged:
when visiting the Library, to present a campus card or a passport; to pass the re-registration annually presenting all the documents that the reader has; when leaving the University (academic leave, expel, dismissal, exit visa processing), to return to the Library the documents that the reader has and to sign the departure clearance; upon receipt of the documents, to examine them and, if any defects are found, to inform the library employee about it immediately (the reader who used them last is responsible for damaging the documents); not to confuse books with the books of other readers (the bar code of the book is unique, the reader is responsible for the books recorded in his personal account); to return the documents received from the library collection within the prescribed time limits (in case of the delay of the return period, to reimburse the amount of money to the library for using the document beyond the established time lim it in the amount determined by the price list; in case of loss or damage of the document, which led to the loss of its consumer properties, to replace it with an identical one or with a document recognized by the library as equivalent to the lost or damaged one; to use library equipment, furniture, computers, office equipment carefully. to keep public order, ethical standards of behavior and silence in the library premises (to turn off or switch the mobile phone to the silent mode).It is strictly forbidden:
to use someone else's campus card;to make notes, tear out or earmark pages in printed publications received from the library collection;
to spoil or tear off the bar code of the book;
to take out of the library premises the documents received from the collection of the reading room.
To help scientific work
Exhibition hall
Nizhny Novgorod, Meditsinskaya str. 3a
Delivery desk for educational literature No. 2 (servicing FIME students): Gagarin Ave.70 I
Call or Text Us:
Director: Semina Gayane Yurikovna, (831) 422-13-90, (831) 465-47-02, lib@pimunn.net
Delivery desk for educational literature No. 2 (servicing FIME students): tel. 465-06-53
Working hours:
Monday - Friday: 10.00-18.00
Saturday: subscription of educational literature No. 1 (BFC)
Sunday: day off.
Division | Employee | Telephone (code 8-831) |
Semina Gayana Yurikovna
422-13-90, 422-13-33, доб. 3800
Deputy Director for Information Technology
Bon Julia Vladimirovna
422-13-33 доб. 3803
Deputy Director for Library Work
Pylunina Irina Evgenievna
422-13-33 доб. 3808
Head of the Acquisition and Cataloging Department
Shishkina Julia Pavlovna
465-47-02, 422-13-33, доб. 3802
Head of the Scientific Information Department
Guseva Julia Vladimirovna
422-13-33 доб. 3804
Head of the Scientific literature department
Ermolaeva Nadezhda Albertovna
422-13-33 доб. 3825
Head of the Department of Educational Literature
Bolotova Olga Vladimirovna
422-13-33 доб. 3805
Delivery desk of scientific literature (Meditsinskaya str., 3a)
422-13-33 доб. 3826
Delivery desk for educational literature №1 (Gagarin ave., 70)
422-13-33 доб. 3809
Delivery desk for educational literature №2 (Gagarin ave., 70)
422-13-33 доб. 3824
Hall of Information Resources
422-13-33 доб. 3822
Reading Room with the delivery desk of fiction
422-13-33 доб. 3806
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