Priority 2030
Privolzhsky Research Medical University

PRMU Scientific Library

Доступ к электронной библиотеке ПИМУ для медицинских работников

Доступ к электронной библиотеке ПИМУ для медицинских работников

Для получения персонального логина и пароля необходимо заполнить регистрационную форму абонента.


Digital resources for educational and scientific work

  • PIMU Resources
  • Test access
  • Magazines
  • Domestic resources
  • Foreign resources
  • Open resources
  • PRMU Online Library

  • ИБС Средневолжского медицинского кластера

  • Периодические издания, выписанные в 2025 году

  • Коллекция журналов на платформе «eLIBRARY»

  • Коллекция журналов на платформе «ИВИС»

  • Коллекция математических журналов (МИАН)

  • Коллекция журналов от «Актион Медицина»

  • Журналы Российской академии наук

  • Журнал «Успехи химии»

  • Журнал «Успехи физических наук»

  • Журнал «Квантовая электроника»

  • Student's Consultant

  • MedBaseGeotar (Doctor's Consultant)

  • BookUp

  • Znanium

  • Urait

  • Consortium of Network Digital Libraries (NDL)

  • Central Scientific Medical Library (SCML)

  • National Digital Library (NDL)


  • Orbit Intelligence

  • Springer

  • Wiley Online Library

  • The Cochrane Library

  • Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

  • BMJ Knowledge Resources

  • eBook Collections (SAGE Publications)

About us

  • How to enroll in the library?
  • Information about departments
  • Library History
  • Rights and obligations of the reader

How do I enroll in the library?

The registration is carried out in the department of digital library services. You must have a passport and a campus card with you (if available).
  • when students are reinstated (after academic leave or expel) or transferred from another university – a certificate from the dean's office about admission to classes;
  • students of the Faculty of Additional Professional Education (FAPE) – a card for the member of a course.
To access the PRMU Digital Library, external users can sign up remotely by filling out an online form.

Address: Meditsinskaya str. 3a, office 5.
Phone: 422-13-33 (ext. 3803, 3807).
  • Delivery desk of scientific literature

  • Delivery desk for educational literature №1

  • Delivery desk for educational literature №2

  • Hall of Information Resources

  • Acquisition and Cataloging Department

  • Department of Scientific Information

  • Department of Electronic Resources

  • Reading Room with the delivery desk of fiction

About the Scientific Library of PRMU

The Scientific Library was founded on June 14, 1932. The primary collection was formed from publications of departments and books donated by the library of Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky and rich private collections of doctors of the city.
The first director was V.A. Druzhkina. A great contribution to the development of the library was made by highly qualified directors E.A. Chugunova, T.F. Kotova, N.G. Krayushkina. Since 2018, the library has been headed by Gayane Yurikovna Semina, who has a great work experience in this particular library: from librarian to director.
The library provides information support for the educational process and research activities of the University. The staff and students can use the Digital Library of PRMU, which includes full-text collections of the medical literature, including the foreign one. Virtual services are being introduced and they allow you to provide the necessary documents remotely and promptly.
Comfortable conditions have been created for servicing, holding mass events, and independent work of users. Unique multimedia presentations and reviews on the history of medicine are being developed, guided tours of the library collections are being conducted. Training sessions help to navigate the flow of professional information, to choose the best ways to work with it. The library is an open platform focused on the future of Russian medical science.
Over its long history, the Library has moved more than once, priorities in maintenance and staffing have changed. Only the employees remained unchanged. Like 90 years ago, these are intelligent and responsive women who are always ready to help their beloved readers!

Rights and obligations

The reader has the right:

to receive printed publications fr om the library collection for temporary use, as well as to have an access to digital publications of the University subscription resources using an individual login and password; to use the personal account of the PRMU digital library to clarify the literature taken and the terms of its return; to extend the period of use of printed documents if necessary and for good reasons; to get an advice in finding the necessary documents, as well as online by means of the virtual help service; to receive copies of documents using the digital document delivery service; to use documents, personal computers and office equipment in the reading room and the information resources hall.

The reader is obliged:

when visiting the Library, to present a campus card or a passport; to pass the re-registration annually presenting all the documents that the reader has; when leaving the University (academic leave, expel, dismissal, exit visa processing), to return to the Library the documents that the reader has and to sign the departure clearance; upon receipt of the documents, to examine them and, if any defects are found, to inform the library employee about it immediately (the reader who used them last is responsible for damaging the documents); not to confuse books with the books of other readers (the bar code of the book is unique, the reader is responsible for the books recorded in his personal account); to return the documents received from the library collection within the prescribed time limits (in case of the delay of the return period, to reimburse the amount of money to the library for using the document beyond the established time lim it in the amount determined by the price list; in case of loss or damage of the document, which led to the loss of its consumer properties, to replace it with an identical one or with a document recognized by the library as equivalent to the lost or damaged one; to use library equipment, furniture, computers, office equipment carefully. to keep public order, ethical standards of behavior and silence in the library premises (to turn off or switch the mobile phone to the silent mode).

It is strictly forbidden:

to use someone else's campus card;
to make notes, tear out or earmark pages in printed publications received from the library collection;
to spoil or tear off the bar code of the book;
to take out of the library premises the documents received from the collection of the reading room.

To help scientific work

  • Preparation of a dissertation and a list of references
  • Acceptance of dissertations
  • Scientific Citation Index

Exhibition hall

Nizhny Novgorod medicine
Nizhny Novgorod medicine
History of PIMU
History of PIMU
Boris Alekseevich Korolev
Boris Alekseevich Korolev
History of medicine
History of medicine
This is interesting!
This is interesting!
  • Address and map
  • Contact phone numbers
Nizhny Novgorod, Meditsinskaya str. 3a
Delivery desk for educational literature No. 2 (servicing FIME students): Gagarin Ave.70 I

Call or Text Us:
Director: Semina Gayane Yurikovna, (831) 422-13-90, (831) 465-47-02,
Delivery desk for educational literature No. 2 (servicing FIME students): tel. 465-06-53

Working hours:
Monday - Friday: 10.00-18.00
Saturday: subscription of educational literature No. 1 (BFC)
Sunday: day off.
Division Employee Telephone (code 8-831)
Semina Gayana Yurikovna
422-13-90, 422-13-33, доб. 3800
Deputy Director for Information Technology
Bon Julia Vladimirovna
422-13-33 доб. 3803
Deputy Director for Library Work
Pylunina Irina Evgenievna
422-13-33 доб. 3808
Head of the Acquisition and Cataloging Department
Shishkina Julia Pavlovna
465-47-02, 422-13-33, доб. 3802
Head of the Scientific Information Department
Lokteva Elena Alexandrovna
422-13-33 доб. 3823
Заведующий сектором библиографического обучения
Druzhinina Anastasia Igorevna
422-13-33 доб. 3804
Head of the Scientific literature department
Ermolaeva Nadezhda Albertovna
422-13-33 доб. 3825
Head of the Department of Educational Literature
Bolotova Olga Vladimirovna
422-13-33 доб. 3805
Delivery desk of scientific literature (Meditsinskaya str., 3a)
422-13-33 доб. 3826
Delivery desk for educational literature №1 (Gagarin ave., 70)
422-13-33 доб. 3809
Delivery desk for educational literature №2 (Gagarin ave., 70)
422-13-33 доб. 3824
Hall of Information Resources
422-13-33 доб. 3822
Reading Room with the delivery desk of fiction
422-13-33 доб. 3806

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