Priority 2030
Privolzhsky Research Medical University

Letters of appreciation from the Ministry of Education and Science

As for PRMU, letters of appreciation were issued to Amira Guirat (Tunisia) and Hussein Ahmed Alaa (Iraq).

Letters of appreciation from the Ministry of Education and Science
Letters of appreciation from the Ministry of Education and Science The Ministry of Education and Science of the Nizhny Novgorod Region awarded letters of appreciation to 11 students from 6 universities (PRMU, NNGASU, LUNN named after N.A. Dobrolyubov, NNSTU named after R.E. Alekseev, UNN named after N.I. Lobachevsky, Minin University) for popularizing higher education of the Nizhny Novgorod region among overseas 
students. It also expressed gratitude to T.R. Bardinskaya, Head of International Affairs Department of Privolzhsky Research Medical University, S.V. Matalova, Deputy Head of International Affairs Department of Privolzhsky Research Medical University, I.E. Grozova, Head of the Preparatory Department for Foreign Citizens (PDFC) of NNGASU, and E.A. Kolodkina, Head of the Cultural and Leisure Center of NNGASU, for getting overseas students from the universities of Nizhny Novgorod involved in the intercultural education space.

As for PRMU, letters of appreciation were issued to Amira Guirat (Tunisia) and Hussein Ahmed Alaa (Iraq).


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