Priority 2030
Privolzhsky Research Medical University

Intercultural Communication in a Unified Educational Space: Problems and Prospects

We are happy to invite students, graduate students, postgraduates and youngscientists to take part in the V International Academic Forum

Intercultural Communication in a Unified Educational Space: Problems and Prospects

Dear colleagues!

We are happy to invite students, graduate students, postgraduates and young

scientists to take part in the V International Academic Forum of students and

young scientists Intercultural Communication in a Unified Educational Space:

Problems and Prospects scheduled for March 17, 2023

Hosted by: Ryazan State Medical University

Working languages: Russian, English, French.

Participation Types:

Online oral presentation

Online oral presentation with reports to be published

The full scientific program will be available at 15 days prior to the


You can register via until February 17,



Tatiana Nikolaevna Surkova, Executive Secretary

Tel .: +7 (4912) 97-19-54; e-mail: 

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