Priority 2030
Privolzhsky Research Medical University

FIME PRMU student became a participant in the full-time stage of the regional level of the Russian National Award "Student of the Year - 2022" in the nomination "Foreign Student of the Year"

Only three international students from Nizhny Novgorod made it to the internal stage

FIME PRMU student became a participant in the full-time stage of the regional level of the Russian National Award  Student of the Year - 2022  in the nomination  Foreign Student of the Year
Only three international students from Nizhny Novgorod made it to the internal stage of the regional stage of the Russian National Award "Student of the Year - 2022" in the nomination "Foreign Student of the Year", which took place on September 19, 2022, at KUPNO (Corporate University of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region). One of them was a 5th year FIME PRMU student Ali Kahtan Azeez (Iraq).
The organizer of the Award is the Nizhny Novgorod areal establishment of the All-Russian public organization "Russian Union of Youth".
Any foreign citizen who is studying in higher education programs (bachelor's, master's and specialist's) at educational institutions of higher education of the Nizhny Novgorod region at the age of 18 to 27 years old and having high academic performance (lack of satisfactory grades for the 2021/22 academic year and lack of academic debt) and having achievements in the public, research, cultural and sports fields could become a participant in this nomination. Each participant had to provide documents confirming high academic performance and achievements.
Ali Qahtan Azeez finished the last academic year with excellent marks. Despite the fact that he studies medicine in English, he participated many times in Russian language Olympiads, poetry competitions, winning prizes, jointly with the associate professor of the department of foreign languages (section of the Russian language) S.V. Matalova wrote 3 scientific articles of the RSCI.
Ali is a member of not only the Student Council of Foreign Students of PRMU, but also the Student Council of Foreign Students of the Nizhny Novgorod region under the Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod region.
Congratulations and wishing you further victories!

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