Priority 2030
Privolzhsky Research Medical University

Тестовые доступы к коллекциям издательства Wiley

Trial access to Wiley online resources has been activated till 30 April 2023.

1)      Online Reference Works Full-Text Collection

Featured within Wiley Online Reference Works are over 250 encyclopedias and reference works covering a broad spectrum of disciplines selected by renowned scientists, incl. Nobel laureates.

Resource address:

2)      Current Protocols Full-Text Collection

The collection provides over 25,000 protocols formatted to include the information necessary to perform an experiment in the laboratory at the chemistry-biology-medicine continuum of research: materials lists, detailed step-by-step instructions with annotations, recipes for reagents and solutions, illustrative figures and information-packed tables, etc.

Resource address:

Terms of access: 

  • Using University-restricted web resources

  • Off-campus access – using an individual login/password (personalized registration from the university network required)

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