Priority 2030
Privolzhsky Research Medical University

Индексирование по УДК/ББК

The library provides paid services for assigning UDC/BBK classification indexes to educational and scientific publications (textbooks, monographs, articles, etc.).

UDC – Universal Decimal Classification – information classification system. It is used for systematization of works of science, literature and art, periodicals, various types of documents.
BBK – Library and Bibliographic classification is a system of national library classification of publications mainly of a humanitarian profile.

To obtain a classification index, contact the Scientific Library in the department of acquisition and library processing of documents ( , ; phone: (831)465-47-02, address: 3a Meditsinskaya str.)

It is necessary to provide:
title page, title page turnover, annotation – for textbooks and monographs;
annotation, keywords – for articles.

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