XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference “Ecology. Radiation. Health” August 28-29, 2023
Dear colleagues!

We are happy to invite you to take part in the XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Ecology. Radiation. Health’ hosted by Semey Medical University, Kazakhstan, and dedicated to its 70th anniversary. It will be held in a mixed format (online and offline) on August 28-29, 2023.
The conference will highlight exchange of experience and interaction among experts in domestic and overseas radiation ecology and safety, the development of clinical areas related to long-term consequences for the ecology and health of the population living in environmentally unfriendly areas, as well as major aspects of clinical medicine.
A number of events are planned within the framework of the conference:
1. Plenary session
2. Satellite symposia/sessions
3. Academic symposia and workshops
4. Poster session
The scientific program of the conference will be posted on the official website of Semey Medical University https://semeymedicaluniversity.kz/ru/nauka/nauchnye-konferencii-i-meropriyatiya/
You are kindly requested to email science@nao-mus.kz by September 15, 2022 if you intend to participate in the conference as a speaker or publish an abstract. Thank you.
Contact phone number: 8 775 537 97 57
Welcome to the conference!
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