Приоритет 2030
Приволжский исследовательский медицинский университет

PRMU students from India and Syria attended a meeting dedicated to the Victory Day

PRMU students from India and Syria attended a solemn meeting dedicated to the Victory Day.

On May 13, PRMU students from India and Syria and their advisers from the International Student Support Division attended a solemn meeting dedicated to the Victory Day.

As FIME students know, Victory Day is a serious and most important holiday in Russia. At the meeting, they learned about the teachers who took part in the Great Patriotic War, got acquainted with the songs from the war years performed by the students and PRMU choir, and enjoyed the waltz. Live performance of Nizhny Novgorod Russian Folk Orchestra (conductor V.A. Kuznetsov) was of particular interest. The students were fascinated! They managed to see the musical instruments and listen to the masterful performance.

At the end of the meeting, FIME students laid flowers at the monument to Gorky doctors.

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