Mission and Goals
Since the year of
foundation (1920) PRMU has been constantly developing
national medical education according to modern requirements
with maintenance of the fundamentals.
PRMU creates the basis for high quality of education through a combination of high level of scientific researches and advanced clinical practice, cooperates with Medical Research Institutes, administrations of Public Health Services, medical establishments of Nizhny Novgorod region, of Volga Federal Region. PRMU also collaborates with industrial enterprises and other national and foreign Universities.
PRMU is the center of treatment/consultation activity of the region, one of the most important centers of medicine, education and culture of Volga Federal Region.
Privolzhsky Research Medical University sees its mission as maintaining and strengthening the role of PRMU as one of the leading higher educational establishments in the country which is engaged with:
PRMU creates the basis for high quality of education through a combination of high level of scientific researches and advanced clinical practice, cooperates with Medical Research Institutes, administrations of Public Health Services, medical establishments of Nizhny Novgorod region, of Volga Federal Region. PRMU also collaborates with industrial enterprises and other national and foreign Universities.
PRMU is the center of treatment/consultation activity of the region, one of the most important centers of medicine, education and culture of Volga Federal Region.
Privolzhsky Research Medical University sees its mission as maintaining and strengthening the role of PRMU as one of the leading higher educational establishments in the country which is engaged with:
- education, retraining and advanced training of doctors, pharmacists and nursing specialists capable of making a sufficient contribution to the improvement of Russian people's health;
- theoretical and clinical scientific research as essentials for the provision of high quality education and providing solutions to the tasks of Public Health Services, the development of culture, the transfer of knowledge and medical technologies;
- integration into the system of continuous international medical education and participation in the efforts of Russian higher schools to the unification with the systems of higher education in European countries;
- active influence on medical and social development of Nizhny Novgorod Region and Volga Federal Region.

in the field of education:
- provides education of highly qualified specialists with the use of modern management and internal control of quality of higher education;
- develops programs of post-graduate and additional education for providing qualified specialists to meet the requirements of Public Health Services;
- provides professional orientation and preliminaries of young people;
- trains students according to humanistic traditions of Russian medicine and aids their development as highly cultured, socially active and well-rounded people;
in the field of research:
- carries out basic and clinical researches that determine the overall potential of the University and constitute the basis for high-quality education;
- strengthens and develops the scientific and pedagogical schools at PRMU, provides training for highly qualified staff through postgraduate and doctoral programmes, works with a reserve of the scientific and pedagogical staff from doctors and students;
- organizes the work of dissertational committees;
- strengthens cooperation with medical scientific research institutes and centers of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, other Russian and foreign universities;
in the field of interaction with health care organizations:
- promotes the development of high medical technologies and their introduction to the establishments of Public Health Services of Volga Federal Region and the Russian Federation;
- participates in the development of programmes, aiming at health promotion of Volga Federal Region citizens and other regions;
- organizes the highly skilled medical and consultant help to Volga Federal Region and other districts of the Russian Federation;
in the field of international relations:
- provides training for foreign students, clinical residents, post-graduate students and doctoral students according to the international requirements to continuous medical education;
- organizes linguistic training of professors and students of the University for participation in the international scientific and academic exchange programmes and training of foreign students with the intensive use of English language;
- participates in scientific and academic exchange programmes with universities of foreign countries;
- realizes co-educational programmes with educational institutions of other countries.
To meet the above objectives PRMU:
- develops its own structure and improves the management system according to social and economic development of the society;
- develops the material and technical resources for educational, research and treatment/consultation work as well as the material infrastructure to support the social life of the staff and students;
- improves the system of additional financial resources.
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