Priority 2030
Privolzhsky Research Medical University

The second National General Assembly of IFMSA 2022 opened at PRMU

This is the second time Privolzhsky Research Medical University drew an audience of Russian and overseas medical students.

The second National General Assembly of IFMSA 2022 opened at PRMU
This is the second time Privolzhsky Research Medical University drew an audience of Russian and overseas medical students. The main topic was international and domestic exchange opportunities for medical students. Future doctors from Saint Petersburg, Samara, Perm, Kirov, as well as FIME PRMU students completing their programs in English, attended the event. The second National General Assembly of IFMSA 2022 was held in a mixed format with over 40 people participating offline, and more than 20 connecting remotely.

IFMSA 2022 brings students a unique opportunity to acquire professional skills from overseas teachers. The program provides for our students travelling to foreign partner universities that have clinical sites. Tamara Bardinskaya, Head of International Affairs Department, spoke about international mobility at PRMU:

‘The exchange program involves our students travelling to universities in other countries. In its turn, PRMU has a clinical base and accepts students from abroad. The IFMSA 2022 program has been a success since 2017 until the pandemic broke out. We used to send about 40 students for internships abroad every year and hosted the same number of people. With the onset of the pandemic, some of our opportunities were lost. We are now stepping up efforts to restore them developing a movement vector: the countries of Asia, Africa, and the near abroad.’

By the by, international FIME students seize the opportunities of the IFMSA program at this stage. Future doctors from Iran, Iraq, India, Tunisia and other countries who study in English come to apply for internships.

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