Priority 2030
Privolzhsky Research Medical University

PRMU celebrates the Indian holiday of Diwali

Diwali is India’s most important holiday synonymous with purity and bringing people together

PRMU celebrates the Indian holiday of Diwali
Diwali is India’s most important holiday synonymous with purity and bringing people together — and a signifier of triumph of good over evil, truth over lies. On November 19, it was celebrated by the students of Privolzhsky Research Medical University.

The sixth-year students from India suggested hosting the celebration of Diwali. The idea came to life with the support of the International Affairs Department and the Student Council. During the evening, the guests enjoyed watching Indian and Russian students perform national dances and songs. There were certainly festive treats: tables with authentic Indian dishes were laid for the participants after the celebration. Thus, Diwali took on an even broader meaning: bringing together people from different countries.

“Our university has a strong focus on international cooperation. Supervised by the International Affairs Department, we organize holidays every month with overseas students participating; we invite them to take part in competitions and festivals,”- says Irina Stelnikova, Professor, PhD, Head of Normal Anatomy Chair.

It should be noted that PRMU received the EEUA 2022 International Award for consistent work when organizing the extracurricular part of interaction with overseas students. PRMU won the contest in the nomination of ‘Getting Overseas Students Involved in the Extracurricular Life of the University’.

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