Priority 2030
Privolzhsky Research Medical University

Педиатрический факультет

Kozlova Elena Mihaylovna

Faculty of Pediatrics, Dean

Since 1931, the Pediatric Faculty was opened on the basis of the Institute of Maternal and Infant Health (now the Institute of Pediatrics of the University Clinic of PIMU), Professor Fyodor Dmitrievich Agafonov became its first dean. At the height of the Great Patriotic War, in 1943, he organized the departments of faculty and hospital pediatrics, was awarded the Orders of Lenin and the Red Star.

Prospects for

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  • The opportunity to contact our graduate employment service

    The opportunity to contact our graduate employment service

  • The good reputation of the University of PIMU among the employers

    The good reputation of the University of PIMU among the employers

  • Diploma of professional retraining

    Diploma of professional retraining

Faculty History

Since 1931, the Pediatric Faculty was opened on the basis of the Institute of Maternal and Infant Health (now the Institute of Pediatrics of the University Clinic of PIMU), Professor Fyodor Dmitrievich Agafonov became its first dean. At the height of the Great Patriotic War, in 1943, he organized the departments of faculty and hospital pediatrics, was awarded the Orders of Lenin and the Red Star.

From 1959 to 1976, the faculty was headed by the head of the Department of General Hygiene, Professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Igor Ippolitovich Belyaev. From 1976 to 1986, the dean of the faculty was the head of the Department of Histology Alexander Gugovich Greten. In 1988, Anatoly Petrovich Khrenov took over the leadership of the faculty, who became the successor of A.G. Greten and head of the Department of Histology, and from 1993 to 1996 the faculty was headed by Associate Professor of the Department of Biochemistry Viktor Mikhailovich Fokin. From 2000 to 2002 The dean of the Pediatric and Preventive Medicine faculties was an outstanding pediatrician, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Professor Viktor Vladimirovich Safronov. In the periods 1996-2000 and 2002-2013, Associate Professor Arkady Viktorovich Leonov, Head of the Department of Hygiene of Children and Adolescents and Food Hygiene, was the dean of the Pediatric and Preventive Medicine Faculties. In 2013-2018, the faculty was headed by Professor, Head of the Department of Normal Anatomy Irina Gennadievna Stelnikova.

Many generations of pediatrician graduates fondly remember the name of the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Pediatrics 1968-2010. Anatoly Ilyich Maksimov. The remarkable pediatrician, associate Professor Lidiya Alekseevna Belentsova, who held this position from 2010 to 2019, enjoys unanimous recognition.

Since 2018, the dean of the Faculty is Associate Professor of the Department of Pediatric Surgery Andrey Sergeevich Zheleznov, Deputy Dean — Associate Professor of the Department of General Chemistry Marina Valentinovna Gulenova.

From 1992 to the present, Ekaterina Vadimovna Vekshina has been the senior dispatcher of the faculty.

Currently, more than 800 people study at the faculty, more than 110 young pediatricians graduate annually, of which at least 10 people receive a diploma with honors.Currently, more than 800 people study at the faculty, more than 110 young pediatricians graduate annually, of which at least 10 people receive a diploma with honors.

During the existence of the faculty, the Nizhny Novgorod Scientific Pediatric School was formed, a huge contribution to the development of which was made by such outstanding doctors and scientists as B.I. Gurvich, Z.A. Spasskaya, V.A. Novikova, A.A. Dikova, E.A. Efimova, N.V. Potanin, N.N. Faerman, O.B. Ovsyannikova, Yu.G. Kuzmichev and currently working I.G. Shilenok, V.V. Safronov, M.M. Abelevich, L.G. Shipova, E.F. Lukushkina, V.A. Vorobyova.

Photo album

Faculty of Pediatrics
Faculty of Pediatrics
Faculty of Pediatrics
Faculty of Pediatrics

Biochemistry named after G.Ya. Gorodisskaya

Faculty Therapy named after A.I. Gefter.

Histology with cytology and Embryology

Hospital Pediatrics

Medical Biophysics

Normal anatomy

Normal physiology named after N.Y. Belenkov

Pathological anatomy

Pathological physiology

Pediatric Surgery

Pediatrics named after F.D. Agafonov

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