Priority 2030
Privolzhsky Research Medical University

Лечебный факультет

Perevezencev Egor Aleksandrovich

Faculty of Medicine, Dean

The medical faculty makes it possible to get almost any clinical specialty: from a general practitioner and a neurosurgeon to a pathologist! The only exceptions are dental and pharmaceutical areas. There is a shortage of medical personnel in all regions, which means that our graduates are always in demand in the labor market. Why PIMU? Within these walls, for the first time, a heart transplant was performed by Professor Sinitsyn, which became the beginning of heart transplantation in the world. Famous doctors Nikolai Blokhin, Boris Korolev and many, many others began their journey here. The strongest surgical, neurosurgical, oncological, combustiological schools in traumatology and orthopedics that have formed have determined the primacy of PIMU in these and other areas. You will be taught by doctors leading clinical practice - this means that our students receive the latest knowledge: theoretical and clinical.


  • Perevezencev Egor Aleksandrovich

    Perevezencev Egor Aleksandrovich


  • Karpuhin Ivan Borisovich

    Karpuhin Ivan Borisovich

  • Zablockiy Vladislav Yuryevich

    Zablockiy Vladislav Yuryevich

Prospects for

Выпускник по специальности «Лечебное дело» может
Работать Где Кем
терапевтом государственные и коммерческие лечебные учреждения, врачом
гинекологом (акушером-гинекологом) государственные органы здравоохранения, заведующим отделением
хирургом учреждения социальной защиты граждан, преподавателем вуза
кардиологом научно-исследовательские институты, может стать ученым
эндокринологом медицинские кабинеты в учебных заведениях и на предприятиях, может заниматься частной врачебной практикой
неврологом и др учреждения среднего профессионального и высшего образования (медицинские факультеты, вузы, училища), может заниматься частной врачебной практикой

  • A ready-made database of employers to whom we recommend our students

    A ready-made database of employers to whom we recommend our students

  • The opportunity to contact our graduate employment service

    The opportunity to contact our graduate employment service

  • The good reputation of the University of PIMU among the employers

    The good reputation of the University of PIMU among the employers

  • Diploma of professional retraining

    Diploma of professional retraining

Faculty History

The Medical Faculty of PIMU began its existence 100 years ago in March 1920 as the Medical Faculty of Nizhny Novgorod State University. Its organizer and first dean was Professor P.G. Avramov. In 1930, the faculty was transformed into an independent medical institute (NMI), which in 1994 received the status of an academy (NGMA, NizhGMA), and in 2018 was reorganized into the Volga Research Medical University.

During the existence of the faculty, research teams have formed that have created the largest medical schools. A notable contribution to their formation was made by: Honored Scientist, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences B.A. Korolev, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences N.N. Blokhin, as well as academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences L.K. Bogush, I.N. Blokhina, N.N. Trapeznikov and Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences N.Yu. Belenkov, Honored Scientists Russian Federation, Professors E.L. Berezov, V.I. Kukosh, A.I. Kozhevnikov, M.P. Batunin, Professors F.D. Agafonov, G.Ya. Gorodisskaya, A.I. Gefter, V.G. Vogralik, V.Yu. Shakhov, I.F. Matyushin, E.M. Khvatova, E.V. Shakhov, S.S. Dobrotin, K.G. Nikulin, N.V. Ivanov.

In different years, the deans of the faculty were talented organizers and researchers, professors: I.A. Levin -1926, B. Kovalsky - during the war, in the postwar period - Ya.A. Lazaris, A.I. Laws, B.V. Protopopov, A.A. Necklace, Yu.A. Kulikov. For a long time, from 1966 to 1986, the faculty was headed by Professor M.F. Karpov, a participant in the war, who was replaced by Professor V.Yu. Shakhov, also a participant in the war. From 1988 to 1994, the dean was Professor of the Department of Neurology A.V. Gustov. From 1994 to 2017 The faculty was headed by an Excellent Student of Healthcare, Chairman of the regional Society of Therapists, head of the Department of Faculty and Polyclinic Therapy, Professor A.N. Kuznetsov. From 2017 to 2018, the dean of the faculty was Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology G.O. Grechkanev, from 2018-2019 L.V. Lovtsova, Head of the Department of General and Clinical Pharmacology.

Now the medical faculty has more than 2000 students. Every year, every tenth graduate of the faculty receives a diploma with honors from the rector. In 2019, the faculty was headed by Associate Professor of the Department of Social Medicine and Healthcare Organization E.A. Perevezentsev; Associate Dean for Junior courses from 2006 to the present is Associate Professor of the Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology I.B. Karpukhin, Associate Dean for Senior courses since 2017 – Associate Professor of the Department of General, Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy named after A. I. Kozhevnikova V.Y. Zablotsky.

For more than 50 years, the senior dispatcher of the faculty was S.L. Sorokina, well known to many generations of graduates of our university. Currently, the senior dispatchers of the faculty are E. Y. Klimova and S.I. Kholkina.

Photo album

Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine

Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and transfusiology

Clinical Forensic Medicine

Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Neurosurgery named after M.V. Kolokoltsev

E.V.Shakhov Urology

Ear, Throat and Nose Diseases named after Professor V.Y. Shakhov

Endocrinology and internal diseases

Eye diseases

Faculty of Surgery and Transplantation

Faculty Therapy named after A.I. Gefter.

General and Clinical psychology

General, operative surgery and topographic anatomy named after A.I. Kozhevnikov

Hospital surgery named after B.A.Korolev

Hospital Therapy named after V.G. Vohralik

Medical rehabilitation

Nervous diseases

Obstetrics and Gynecology

Oncology, radiation therapy, radiation diagnostics

Propaedeutics of internal diseases


Skin and venereal diseases

Therapy and Cardiology

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