Priority 2030
Privolzhsky Research Medical University

Факультет Международного медицинского образования и управление международного сотрудничества

Stelynikova Irina Gennadyevna

Faculty of International Medical Education and International Cooperation Department, Dean

Today, there are 1947 citizens from 53 countries studying at the University: far (42) and near (11) abroad. Of these, 1,815 people are studying in various specialty programs in Russian and English, 132 people are studying in residency and postgraduate programs, of which 755 are studying in joint educational programs. Currently, 65 agreements have been concluded on various types and forms of cooperation with foreign partners from 14 countries – universities, institutes, faculties.


  • Bardinskaya Tamara Rudolyfovna

    Bardinskaya Tamara Rudolyfovna

  • Stelynikova Irina Gennadyevna

    Stelynikova Irina Gennadyevna


Prospects for

There will be a text about employment prospects here

  • A ready-made database of employers to whom we recommend our students

    A ready-made database of employers to whom we recommend our students

  • The opportunity to contact our graduate employment service

    The opportunity to contact our graduate employment service

  • The good reputation of the University of PIMU among the employers

    The good reputation of the University of PIMU among the employers

  • Diploma of professional retraining

    Diploma of professional retraining

Faculty History

A brief history of the FMMO (formerly the Faculty of Education of Foreign Students, FOIS), which for almost 30 years of the faculty's existence has made a significant contribution to the training of highly qualified foreign specialists in the field of medicine, education and science and the formation of a positive image of our university and the country abroad. The first 10 foreign students from India and Syria came to study in 1991. As an independent full—fledged faculty, the division was finally formed in 1992, Professor L.G. Strongin was appointed the first dean, and M.M. Khilov was appointed his deputy. Since 2007, the duties of the dean have been performed by Professor E.I. Erlykina. In order to study the potential market of educational services, an international marketing department headed by V.E. Zagainov was established in the same year. On September 1, 2019, a new division appeared in the structure of the Federal State Educational Institution of the Russian Ministry of Health — the Department of International Cooperation, which united the Faculty of International Medical Education (FMMO) under the leadership of Professor I.G. Stelnikova and the Department of International Cooperation (UMS), the head of which was appointed T.R. Bardinskaya. The UMS is a young structure that has become a response to the dynamic demands of the time in the obvious need to expand international cooperation. A modern world-class university is unthinkable without intensive international cooperation and integration into the global educational and research space. Therefore, the development of international relations, educational and scientific projects is one of the priorities of PIMU.

Today, there are 1947 citizens from 53 countries studying at the University: far (42) and near (11) abroad. Of these, 1,815 people are studying in various specialty programs in Russian and English, 132 people are studying in residency and postgraduate programs, of which 755 are studying in joint educational programs. Currently, 65 agreements have been concluded on various types and forms of cooperation with foreign partners from 14 countries – universities, institutes, faculties.

Photo album

Faculty of International Medical Education and International Cooperation Department
Faculty of International Medical Education and International Cooperation Department
Faculty of International Medical Education and International Cooperation Department
Faculty of International Medical Education and International Cooperation Department
Декан Стельникова Ирина Геннадьевна, каб.115
422 13 33 доб.3750
Деканат, каб.109
422 13 33
Мокрушина Ольга Николаевна
422 13 33, доб. 3751
Аганина Мария Константиновна
422 13 33 доп. 3752
Фитасова Наталья Ивановна
422 13 33 доп. 3753
Управление Международного сотрудничества, каб.109а
422 12 62
Начальник Бардинская Тамара Рудольфовна, каб.115
422-13-33 доб. 3010
Аристова Наталья Станиславовна
422-13-33 доб. 3014
Беспалова Вера Андреевна
422-13-33 доб.3014
Быкова Елена Владимировна
422-13-33 доб. 3014
Визовая служба, каб.110
Киндер Елена Алексеевна
422-13-33 доб.3013
Мыльникова Екатерина Вячеславовна
422-13-33 доб. 3013
Огонькова Анна Анатольевна
422-13-33 доб.3013
Андриянова Инна Дмитриевна
422-13-33 доб.3013
Захватова Наталья Вячеславовна
422-13-33 доб.3013

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