الأولوية 2030


  • رمز الاستجابة السريعة
  • بطاقة مصرفية
  • الدفع النقدي
  • المحطات وسبيربنك أون لاين
  • الطلاب الدوليين
  • شهادة تقدم إلى مصلحة الضرائب

مكتب تذاكر الجامعة

نيجني نوفغورود ، مينين وبوزارسكي رر.، 10/1 ، الطابق الأول

:وضع التشغيل

  • الاثنين-الخميس: من 13.00 إلى 17.00
  • الجمعة وقبل العطلات: من 13.00 إلى 16.00

يتم الدفع فقط إذا كان الدافع لديه عقد! نظرا للخسارة المتكررة للعقود من قبل الطلاب ، ننصحك بعمل عدة نسخ من هذا المستند.

The payment process when choosing a certain type of payment item 1:
  1. The buyer makes the payment in the online store
  2. The online store directs the buyer to the bank's payment page
  3. The buyer enters the card details and confirms the payment, the data is sent to the NSPK/MPS
  4. Request to the issuing bank from the NSPK/MPS about the possibility of the operation
  5. The issuing bank sends a response to the NSPK request/MPS
  6. NSPK/The MPC transmits the response to the Acquiring Bank
  7. The acquiring bank transmits information about the payment status of the order to the online store and transfers funds
  8. The buyer receives the result of the order payment

Terms of refund:
it is necessary to contact the accounting department personally and write refund statement.
The refund of the transferred funds is made to your bank account within 5-30 working days (the period depends on the bank that issued your bank card)
If you have any problems with payment, please contact by phone:
900 - phone for free calls from mobile phones in the territory of the Russian Federation
+7 495 500-55-50 - phone for calls from anywhere in the world

For payment (entering your card details) You will be redirected to the payment gateway of SBERBANK PJSC. The connection to the payment gateway and the transfer of information is carried out in a secure mode using the SSL encryption protocol. If your bank supports the technology of secure Internet payments Verified By Visa, MasterCard SecureCode, MIR Accept, J-Secure, you may also need to enter a special password to make a payment.
This site supports 256-bit encryption. The confidentiality of the personal information provided is ensured by SBERBANK PJSC. The entered information will not be provided to third parties, except in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Bank card payments are carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of the payment systems MIR, Visa Int., MasterCard Europe Sprl, JCB.

اشترك في شبكاتنا الاجتماعية

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جامعة فولغا للبحوث الطبية

فقط الآن

آخر أخبار الجامعة

البقاء حتى موعد مع كل الأخبار.