الأولوية 2030

Intercultural Communication in a Unified Educational Space: Problems and Prospects

We are happy to invite students, graduate students, postgraduates and youngscientists to take part in the V International Academic Forum

Intercultural Communication in a Unified Educational Space: Problems and Prospects

Dear colleagues!

We are happy to invite students, graduate students, postgraduates and young

scientists to take part in the V International Academic Forum of students and

young scientists Intercultural Communication in a Unified Educational Space:

Problems and Prospects scheduled for March 17, 2023

Hosted by: Ryazan State Medical University

Working languages: Russian, English, French.

Participation Types:

Online oral presentation

Online oral presentation with reports to be published

The full scientific program will be available at www.rzgmu.ru 15 days prior to the


You can register via https://forms.gle/dBdTGPgeR3eYWXQ29 until February 17,



Tatiana Nikolaevna Surkova, Executive Secretary

Tel .: +7 (4912) 97-19-54; e-mail: rzn-conference@mail.ru 

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