الأولوية 2030

Fime Students Visited An Exhibition Of The Past And The Present Of Emergency Medical Care In Russia

On June 28, FIME students accompanied by advisers from the Russian language section of the Department of Foreign Languages attended an exhibition of the Past and the Present of Emergency Medical Care in Russia.

Fime Students Visited An Exhibition Of The Past And The Present Of Emergency Medical Care In Russia
On June 28, FIME students accompanied by advisers from the Russian language section of the Department of Foreign Languages attended an exhibition of the Past and the Present of Emergency Medical Care in Russia. The exhibition has been organized in the territory of Victory Park. It was timed to coincide with the Medical Worker Day and the 103rd anniversary since emergency medical service was established in Russia.
The students looked at the collection of unique historical photographs of various ambulances and even motorcycles with great interest paying special attention to the cars produced at Gorky Automobile Plant. They noted the way clothes for doctors have changed, and the extent transport and the technical equipment of ambulances have evolved. Some international students recalled riding in a modern ambulance during the pandemic.
Visiting this exhibition helped overseas students to gain new knowledge about the development of Russian medicine.

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