الأولوية 2030

PRMU ranked second among Russian medical universities in the post-Soviet space

Privolzhsky Research Medical University outtopped the leading universities of Moscow and Saint-Petersburg in the subject category of Clinical Medicine

PRMU ranked second among Russian medical universities in the post-Soviet space
On the eve of the 100 th anniversary of forming the Soviet Union, the best-edu.ru portal published the results of the study ‘Post-Soviet Universities in Global Subject Rankings’. According to the portal, PRMU became the second Russian medical university in the post-Soviet space.

The subject areas in the ranking are defined by the OECD international classification hierarchy which is broken up into two levels: six major codes and forty-two minor codes, or minor subject categories. PRMU entered the Premier League together with Sechenov University, the University of Latvia, Sumy State University, Tallinn University, Tbilisi State University and Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

Privolzhsky Research Medical University outtopped the leading universities of Moscow and Saint-Petersburg in the subject category of Clinical Medicine.

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